
In Addition to Production Incentive, one of Film Tampere’s key tasks is managing various development projects to advance AV industry expertise, education, and diverse growth. Below are current and past projects of Film Tampere:

Developing AV Industry Education and Future Solutions

  • The project addresses the global growth of the AV industry, focusing on the need for cross-sector skills and collaboration with educational institutions and businesses.
  • Funded by: Pirkanmaa Regional Council
  • Duration: March 1, 2023 – November 30, 2024

AV Growth

  • A three-year project led by Tampere University of Applied Sciences, focusing on scaling AV companies in the Central Baltic area.
  • Funded by: Interreg Europe
  • Duration: 2024-2027

Lua and Koje – Technological Solutions

  • This project explored comprehensive ways to deliver events with minimal difference from live experiences.
  • Funded by: Pirkanmaa Regional Council and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
  • Duration: April 2022 – August 2023

Creative Industries Growth Agreement

  • Film Tampere played a key role in initiating this project to develop a new dialogue and collaboration model between the public sector and businesses.
  • More information: Growth Agreement

For more details, visit the Film Tampere website.