Environment and Responsibility

Film Tampere’s activities are guided by values of sustainable development and social responsibility. Read about the sustainability programs we are committed to.

Carbon Neutral Tampere 2030 Tampere aims to be carbon neutral by 2030, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% from 1990 levels and compensating the remaining 20%. Efforts focus on reducing emissions from transportation, construction, housing, energy use, and consumption. Film Tampere follows the guidelines of the Carbon Neutral Tampere 2030 program.

APFI’s Ecological Sustainability Program We are a partner in Audiovisual Producers Finland’s ecological sustainability program, which aims to assess and reduce the environmental impact of the Finnish film and TV industry. We recommend using the Albert environmental system and Ekosetti guidelines for greener productions.

Nordic Film Commission’s Sustainability Pledge Film Tampere is part of the Nordic Film Commission’s network, which has committed to a joint sustainability pledge that provides practical advice for sustainable productions.

Social Responsibility Values In addition to sustainable development, Film Tampere encourages socially responsible and inclusive productions. We actively follow APFI’s Avaus project and recommend its forthcoming responsibility portal and reporting tool, Kaista. We require supported productions to have zero tolerance for sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour and provide guidelines to prevent sexual harassment.

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